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Apply Here

Membership has it's Privileges

What does my membership include ?

Your membership includes regular emails updating you about other Vets, upcoming activities, employment opportunities, 2 newsletters a year, access to our website and more. There are 1 Vets Golf Tournament each year, a Christmas Party and a September BBQ. Monthly Luncheons (except for September and December) are held at the Cuff n Billy on the first Wednesday of every month. They start at 11:30AM and lunch is from 12:00PM to 1:00PM. We hold a 50/50 draw as well as draws for Flames Tickets and Stampeder Tickets (season dependence) at the luncheons.

Apply Now

Please complete this online application form to apply for membership in the Calgary Police Veterans Association. Please note that membership is limited to retired and past members of the Calgary Police Service (both civilian and sworn), senior serving members of the CPS with at least 20 years of service. A limited membership is also available to outside agency First Responders (Police, Fire and EMS) who are sponsored by a current member of the CPVA. All applications are subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the CPVA.

After you have completed this online application form, please send us a cheque for $25 to complete your application process or etransfer to   Cheques should be made payable to the Calgary Police Veterans Association, and please indicate “Membership Dues” on the envelope. Dues are $25 per year after that, and we welcome multiple year payments.
The CPVA may use information contained in this application to verify an applicants qualification for membership.

Mailing Address
CPVA 2nd Flr 3730 Westwinds Dr NE
Calgary AB, Canada T3J 5H3

Contact Details

Prefer to download your Application ?

Once downloaded to your computer, fill in the blanks, and then send by e-mail, as an attachment, to or bring it into our office. It will then be processed and you will receive a confirmation at the e-mail address that you have listed on the form.

Download Application

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