Your Calgary Police Veteran’s Association has prepared the following in an effort to help the spouse, executor or executrix in the event of a pensioned member’s death. Included are some helpful tips to make things easier for the family.
First and foremost is to ensure you have a legal, properly registered “Last Will & Testament” to assist the executor/executrix to manage the transfer of assets to the beneficiaries of your estate. In conjunction with the preparation of your will you should compile an accurate record of the assets of your estate. Store the record in an accessible location so the executor/executrix can settle the estate efficiently and effectively (See Appendix A). Obtaining the assistance of your banker, financial advisor and/or lawyer is advisable. Each Bank has different policies with respect to access to accounts and therefore it is advisable to discuss this eventuality with them so you are familiar with their process.
NOTE: Couples should be aware when one of the two is the Primary Credit Card holder, the spouse as the co-applicant of that Credit Card will NOT be allowed to use the Credit Card once the primary cardholder dies. Check with your Credit Card Companies regarding their policy.
When a pensioned member dies, the survivor, executor/executrix of the estate MUST immediately contact and inform the Special Forces Pension Plan.
Special Forces Pension Plan
Phone: 1-877-809-7377 - Follow prompts to report death of a pensioner.
FAX: 1-780-421-1652
Mail: SFPP c/o Alberta Pensions Services Corporation
5103 Windermere Blvd. SW
Edmonton, Alberta T6W 0S9
If you live outside of North America, call the international toll-free phone number: 011-800-661-8198-8. (Local long distance rules may apply).
If the Pensioner is predeceased by their spouse the executor/executrix will need to provide the SFPP with the following:
• Pension number
• Copy of the Death Certificate
• Copy of the Will
If the Pensioner is survived by their spouse and they chose the “Joint Life Option” the spouse or executor/executrix will need to provide the SFPP with the following:
• Pension number
• Copy of the Death Certificate
• Copy of the Will
• Social Insurance Number
• Banking information
• Address
NOTE: Provided there are no changes the spouse will continue to receive pension payments. If there are any changes to the required information it can take on average up to 3 months for the spouse to begin receiving pension payments.
This is a very stressful time for the surviving spouse but it is very important the SFPP be notified as soon as possible.
Vital Statistic Information:
The following information is required to complete the registration of death with the Department of Vital Statistics. This information is used to apply for Canada Pension Death and Survivor Benefits. If a funeral service is used they will usually complete this process on behalf of the survivors.
• Name, address and phone number
• Birthdate and place of birth
• Occupation (prior to retirement if retired)
• The maiden name of deceased’s mother and her birthplace (if known)
• The name of deceased’s father and his birthplace (if known)
• The name of deceased’s spouse, maiden name if spouse is female
• Social Insurance Number and Alberta Health Care Number
City of Calgary Retiree Death Benefit
The beneficiary must contact City of Calgary HR Support Services (403-268-5800) who will send the request to the Benefit and Pension specialists who will request certain documents be completed by the beneficiary. When the Benefits and Pension specialists receive the completed documents, they will pass the information along to the insurance provider who will process the claim. This typically takes 3-4 weeks.
The chart states the rules around eligibility for this retiree benefit.
See chart at bottom of this document
See CPVA Fan Out Email dated March 26, 2024 for chart details or call HR 403 268-5800 for more details
Calgary Police Service Policy:
The aim of this policy is to outline procedures for the planning and execution of a Police funeral. This plan will outline arrangements required for a full ceremonial funeral of a Police officer who dies in the line of duty. It is a guide for notification of units within the Calgary Police Service, the City of Calgary and other agencies.
The "choice" of a "Police" funeral or "private" service remains with the family of the deceased, and at the discretion of the Chief of Police. If the family selects a Police funeral, certain elements should be included. Not all funerals will be the same in content. Some of the variables to be considered are:
• Classification of funeral,
• time of year;
• weather conditions;
• size of service;
• faith or denomination of the deceased/deceased's family;
• location of the service; and
• Location of interment/cremation.
In the event of the passing of a member of the Calgary Police Service, serving or retired, sworn or civilian, a number of factors will be considered when determining the degree of Service involvement. The seven classifications of funerals are:
1. Sworn Member; Death in the Line of Duty.
2. Sworn Member: Death in the Line of Duty, International Peace Operation Program (IPOP).
3. Sworn Member; Death While On Duty.
4. Sworn Member; Death While Off Duty.
5. Retired Sworn Member’s Death.
6. Civilian Member’s Death.
7. Calgary Police Commission member’s death.
8. Police Service animal death.
“Retired Members Death” –
i. The death of a retired member who is in good standing and fully separated through
retirement from the Service.
ii. A retiree is defined as a former sworn member who is receiving a member’s pension.
In the event a retired sworn member of the Calgary Police Service dies, the family may be contacted by the Human Resources Section, and an offer of police participation may be made. Subject to the approval of the Chief of Police, the family may be offered the following:
• Use of the Calgary Police Service Funeral Coach, Skye Boat.
• A folded Calgary Police Service flag to be presented during the service.
• A framed photo of the member including hat badge respective of rank of the deceased.
• A fresh flower arrangement displaying the regimental flowers of the Service, with a card signed by the Chief.
• Participation of the Police Service Chaplaincy if requested.
• Participation of the Calgary Police Service Honour Guard.
• Participation of a Calgary Police Service Piper.
• Participation of the Calgary Police Service Traffic Section for the purposes of a traffic escort.
• Permission to use the Calgary Police Service crest on memorial service folders, obituary announcements, or headstone.
Other web sites and phone information that may be of interest are as follows:
Government of Canada:
Canada Pension Plan Survivor Benefits: Ph: 1-800-277-9144
Veteran’s affair Canada: Ph: 1-866-522-2122 (if deceased was a Military Veteran)
Appendix A
Document Location List
1. Safe Deposit Box Yes ( ) No ( )
Bank Name / Branch Box Number Key Location Authorized Person(s)
2. Legal Documents
Will ( ) Trust ( ) Power of Attorney ( ) Living Will ( )
Location of Documents
Lawyer Contact Info
Power of Attorney
3. Bank Accounts
Name of Bank Address Account Number(s)
4. Government Savings Bonds Yes ( ) No ( )
Location of Bonds
5. Retirement Accounts and Pension Plans
Type of Plan Company / Plan Administrator Account Number
6. Real Estate Holdings
Address Location of Deed
Mortgages / Home Equity Loan Yes ( ) No ( )
Name of Current Mortgage Holder / Lender Account Number
7. Investments (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds)
Own Stock In Certificate Form Yes ( ) No ( )
Stock Broker Contact Info
Financial Planner Contact Info
Company Name Type of Investment Account Number
8. Accountant or Income Tax Preparer
Location of Past Tax Return
9. Insurance
A. Life Insurance
Company Name
Policy Number
B. Homeowner's Insurance
Company Name
Policy Number
C. Automobile Insurance
Company Name
Policy Number
D. Health Insurance
Company Name
Policy Number
Alberta Health Number
10. Credit Cards
Bank / Issue Name Account Number
11. Funeral / Cremation Arrangements
Funeral Home
Pre-arranged: Yes ( ) No ( )
Prepaid: Yes ( ) No ( )
Location of Cemetery Lot Deeds
12. Certificates and Information for Canada Pension Death Benefits
Location of Birth Certificate
Location of Marriage Certificate (if married)
Social Insurance Number
13. Contact Information for Neighbors and Friends
Name Address Phone
PDF Links:
Message from Sgt. Nathan Rogers CPS Funeral Coordinator
14. Notes: