Passing of Len Gleed #1157
**Please note: The following is a message intended only for members of the CPVA and contains personal information never to be copied in whole or in part and posted on any social media site.
Hello everyone,
Sadly, I have learned that we have had another death within our Police Family. Len Gleed passed away at the Foothills Hospital this morning, July 23, 2022.
Len was a senior member of the CPVA who I enjoyed very much when he attended many of our luncheons and events. There was a pretty large gap in our ages when I was a serving member, but I got to know him in retirement. I recall about 15 years ago when I was first on the CPVA Board of Directors, Len approached me at a luncheon and proudly showed me an Arizona State Police Badge inside his wallet. Len was around 70 or so years old at the time. I asked him how he got that and he explained that he was a Volunteer State Trooper in Arizona and that they gave him a marked police unit and a gun to patrol his area when he wintered down there. God bless America! That’s what I said to him and he grinned from ear to ear.
Thanks to Bernie Coles who passed the information of Len’s death on to me. Bernie has gained the permission of his daughter, Allison and his son, John, to publish their emails in case you would like to send your condolences and maybe a good story about Len. Their email address is:
As always, please click on this email address to do so, not the reply tab as Rod Embree is not our “Office Bit**”. Your emails will not be forwarded.
Len was predeceased by his wife, Audrey in 2015. As per Len’s wishes, there will be a private graveside service for family members and no public service will take place.
Take good care,
Mike Turcotte
Contact Information
Mike Turcotte