Tragic Death of Sgt. Andrew Harnett #4601
By now, most of you have heard the terrible news of the line of duty killing of CPS Sgt. Andy Harnett #4601 on New Year’s Eve. Some may have heard that Andy was an exceptional Police Officer, as well as a very personable, well liked and loved human being. I can assure you, that what is being said about Andy is true.
I had the opportunity to speak with Andy often when he worked in Recruiting and I was working as a civilian in Security Investigations. Andy would often stop by and talk with our group of old vets sitting in the Westwinds cafeteria having a coffee.
He always was very respectful and often made mention of how valuable Police Veterans are to the Service. As a group, we often commented on his deportment and demeanor and we all thought he would do very well in the CPS. It is hard to believe that he is gone now.
Over the next few days, I will endeavor to find out where we can direct our condolences by way of email and/or cards to a central contact person.
I also would like to remind you that our
Chaplain, Jack Ashby, is always available if anyone would like to talk. He can also assist in reaching out to Peer Support within the CPS. He can be reached by a phone call or text message at
403-809-3288. His email address is:
Mike Turcotte Reg #2067 Retired
CPVA President
2nd Floor 3730 Westwinds Drive NE
Calgary AB T2J 5H7
403 861-2067
Any CPVA website issues - please contact:
Thx . rod e